Thursday, December 02, 2004


hey therE? omigosh! i m so bored now....nothing else to do. as a matter of fact, i m jz staring at my elmo now....i reckon i m going crazy. remember to visit me in the hospital sakit jiwa when i m in a critical condition, k? thx, dude. erm....skewl holidays suck! i can't play my ps2 cuz itz spoiled. n i m broke. that's y life is so miserable for me. n waiting for my PMR results? god damn it! i don't even want to think about it. i hope u guys won't ignore me if my results r terrible....i might get, prepare for the worst, k? alright, i've got to go now. bye n c'ya. Elmo Out!

1 comment:

S said...

Pls don't use God's name and a swear word together in the same name. Don't mean to preach but yeah. YES I will definitely pray for your results as you did for mine and for which I am eternally grateful. How can your PS2 be spoilt????!!!! I love the blog. Remember to update more often. BAII!!